Join us on Tuesday, September 18 for our monthly chapter meeting:
Access Control Systems
Roger Roehr
Access control should comprise something you have, something you know, and something you are. Barcode, barium ferrite, magnetic strip, Weigland, proximity, and Hollerith are types of card or badge readers. Barriers restrict or impede access, are continuous, and deter threats. Locks are mechanical or electrical. Containers are classified by the Underwriters Association and categorized as burglary, record, and media. Area classification is controlled, limited, and exclusion.
Roger Roehr will present detail of each providing insight to what goes on behind the scenes with access control.
About the Speaker:Roger Roehr is a director at Integrated Security Technologies, Inc. Roger’s core competencies are in the design, installation, and maintenance of electronic physical security, security video and access control systems. He is actively involved in developing standards for the integration of biometrics and smart card technology in Physical Access Control Systems (PACS). Previously he was involved in developing, testing, and implementing a wide range of integration and consulting engagements for identity management and electronic physical security. Roger was a member of the team that delivered the GSA’s FIPS 201 shared service solution. Lead the team that developed the GSA Approved Products List (APL) test harness and NIST Special Publication 800-96. He was the technical lead for physical access control on the Transportation Works Identification Credential (TWIC) smart card identity program. Developed the medium security method that was published in the Technical Implementation Guidance: Smart Card Enabled Physical Access Control Systems by the Government Interagency Advisory Board (IAB). Held the position of senior system integrator for the Department of State’s roll out of smart card enabled PASC. Roger severed for two years as the Chair of the Smart Card Alliance Physical Access Control council and currently serves as a member of the council’s steering comity. Prior to becoming a independent consultant, Roger held a number of engineering and technical positions at Tyco, BearingPoint, M.C. Dean, Battelle Memorial Labs, Siemens Building Technology and Security Technology Group. Roger served in the Air Force Security Police. Specialties: HSPD-12 Identity management, smart card and physical access.
Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
Non-members are welcome without charge! Light refreshments will be served.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 6:30 PM
Center for American Progress (CAP)
1333 H St. NW
10th Floor
Washington, DC, 20005
Click here for details.