November 18, 2008



Real-World Linux Security Solutions

Ronald Reck

CEO - RReckTek and Author

The largest contract ever awarded to SAIC was the 15 billion dollar Future Combat Systems (FCS). As a subcontractor to Boeing, SAIC faced a major challenge in meeting the data integrity requirements set forth in the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) Chapter 8.

One of the most difficult challenges was tracking unsuccessful attempts to change data because that needed to be noticed at the kernel level.

This presentation will show the design and implementation of the approach used to meet this requirement in an automated fashion on hundreds of machines already in production. The steps included:
1. building a key ring for ssh
2. detecting the operating system version
3. backing up the kernel
4. deploying a new kernel
5. centralized logging
6. scanning for the activity of interest

Tuesday, November 18 21, 2008

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM


Radio Free Asia

2025 M St. NW Washington DC

First Floor Conference Room

Presenter: RReckTek CEO and Author Ronald Reck

Ronald P. Reck was raised and educated in the Detroit Metropolitan area and on occasion, has enough time to miss the friends and culture of the place he still calls home. He is formally trained in theoretical syntax and remains fascinated by language and what it reveals about being human. A passion for linguistics and intensity with computers afford him gainful employment using Perl, XML, and Semantic Web technologies running, of course under *nix. He prides himself on developing scalable, open source architectural strategies for difficult problems. He resides near our nation's capital with his lovely wife Olga and two cats. He is the author of two books, Hardening Linux and Generating & Rendering String Frequency Measurements of Project Gutenberg Texts.