October 20, 2015 at 6:30 PM
ISSA National Capital Chapter October meeting topic:
Mike Dombo
Today, it is no longer a matter of if an organization will be impacted by a data breach, but rather when they will be hit. In many cases, personal, proprietary and otherwise sensitive data accessed from a data breach is sold and published on what is known as the “Dark Web.” This portion of the Internet is hidden from conventional search engines and people who access the Dark Web typically operate anonymously, making illegal activity harder to detect.
OPM, Target and Anthem have proven that every organization is a potential victim. It has become increasingly more vital for organizations to take measures to keep their sensitive information from being leaked onto the Dark Web as there are real financial and reputational consequences to data breaches.
Mike Dombo, Vice President of Sales at Winvale, will discuss the Dark Web, how information is sold and traded and how you can take action if your organization is breached.
About the Speaker As Vice President of Sales, Mike Dombo leads the team’s overall sales and key customer account objectives and is based in Dark Web ID’s office in Odenton, Maryland.
Dark Web ID was developed by Winvale to address criticalcybersecurity issues impacting both public and private sector organizations. Dark Web ID’s web-based platform provides external monitoring reports of an organization’s user accounts, including IP addresses and third party and supply chain accounts to identify compromised credentials in real time. Through this platform, organizations can access actionable threat intelligence to help anticipate and protect against a cyberattack. To date, Dark Web ID has identified more than 400 million email and network passwords from more than 350,000 private Dark Web locations.
Previously, Dombo worked in several syndicated research sales roles as founder and head of sales for companies providing advisory services in areas such as: Public Safety & Homeland Security, Environmental & Sustainability issues, Human Resources and Finance. He graduated from Lafayette College with degrees in English and Russian and holds a Master’s Certificate in Project Management from The George Washington University.
Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
Non-members are welcome without charge! Light refreshments will be served.
Tuesday, October, 2015 6:30 PM
Government Publishing Office
Room A138
732 N. Capitol St.
Washington, DC, 20401
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