December 17, 2013 at 6:30 PM

ISSA National Capital Chapter December meeting topic:

DNS Security
by Matt Bianco 


DNS is critical to the stability of communications on our networks as well as the internet but has largely gone unprotected. This very important service is now being used against us in many types of attacks and coupled with that are all of the new devices being introduced in the modern network. This is a great concern but they all have one underlying commonality……DNS. We will take a look at how mobile device proliferation is adding to the strenuous task of maintaining and allowing access to the network. It also raises the question on how to best protect you from BYOD and network malware. Understanding how malware communicates and exhilarates data through DNS will also highlight the benefits of adding security at that layer and how it can aid in incident response. 


About the Speaker

Mr. Bianco has over 14 years of experience in information technology, cyber security, computer forensics, and Technical Surveillance and Countermeasures accumulating multiple industry leading designations in each field.  He is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and an Encase Certified Examiner (EnCE) and has obtained multiple Microsoft and Cisco certifications.  Mr. Bianco provides technical security guidance and advice to our broad base of customers along multiple verticals.  Prior to Infoblox, Mr. Bianco was Director of Cyber Intelligence at E-merging Technologies Group, Inc.  There he was an elite technical resource providing expert guidance to ETG's customers on a regular basis.  He was an acting “virtual CIO” for ETG’s managed customer base providing them with technology solutions for common and complex corporate problems.   Mr. Bianco graduated cum laude from Myers University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management.



Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
Non-members are welcome without charge! Light refreshments will be served.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013 6:30 PM

Government Printing Office
Room A138
732 N. Capitol St.
Washington, DC, 20401

Click here for details