October 15, 2013 at 6:30 PM

ISSA National Capital Chapter October meeting topic:


Jack Whitsitt 

Over the past several years, "cyber security" has been a term that has both grown in popularity and, in some circles, grown to be disdained by those on the front lines of information security.  On 10/15, Jack Whitsitt - who has spent many years dipping his toes into both perspectives simultaneously - will explore the space that he believes is formalizing around the term, how it differs from traditional views on what security is, what is driving these changes, and how it might affect other areas of computer security practice long term.  Topics covered will include National Critical Infrastructure, Protection vs. Assurance, the NIST Cyber Security Framework draft, the Executive Order, humans as critical vulnerabilities, and the use of nice, traditional coding practices...to create better security policy.


About the Speaker
Jack Whitsitt, recently identified by Tripwire as one of the top 10 Rising Stars and Hidden Gems in security education, began his career in security living in a small hacker compound in his teens. Years later, he was involved in early open source honeypot development work, moved into large scale data correlation system design, and has spent the past several years in the critical infrastructure space (including a stint at ICS-CERT, time building a sector specific agency program, and now as an analyst for the non-profit electric sector organization, Energysec).


Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
Non-members are welcome without charge! Light refreshments will be served.


Tuesday,October 15, 2013 6:30 PM

Center for American Progress (CAP)
1333 H St. NW
Washington, DC, 20005

Click here for details.