August 16, 2011

 DDoS Behind the Scenes
by Michael Smith


Akamai's Michael Smith will share some of the threats, capabilities, traffic patterns, and lessons learned from managing and fighting Distributed Denial of Service attacks over the past 12 months..


About the Speaker:
Michael Smith serves as Akamai’s Security Evangelist and is the customer-facing ambassador from the Information Security Team, helping customers to understand both the internal security program and the unique security features and capabilities of the Akamai product portfolio and cloud-based solutions. Mr Smith fulfils a cross-functional role as a liaison between security, sales, product management, compliance, engineering, professional services, and marketing.

Prior to joining Akamai, Mr Smith served as an embedded security engineer, security officer for a managed service provider, and security assessment team lead. He is an adjunct professor for Carnegie Mellon University and teaches through the non-profit Potomac Forum.


Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
Non-members are welcome without charge!  Light refreshments will be served.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 6:30 PM

Government Printing Office
Room A138
732 N. Capitol St.
Washington, DC, 20401

Click here for details