We are looking for people who are interested in joining our organization.

Who can join?
Membership is open to students, practicing security professionals or to those with an interest in the profession. Even though the chapter was founded in DC, we always welcome new members, regardless of your location. We hold our meetings and events in convenient locations throughout the metropolitan area. Please feel free to attend one of our open meetings or to contact the chapter for more info.

Benefits of joining
There are several benefits to becoming a member of our organization. We hold meetings and social events on a regular basis, where presentations on current topics of interest or emerging technology are discussed adding to the knowledge base of security professionals. We also host and/or present educational seminars or classes on current issues such as studying for the CISSP exam and offer these opportunities at significantly reduced prices. Most of the educational events and Chapter meeting presentations can be used as Continuing Education or Professional hours for certifications.
Often commercial vendors offer ISSA members the chance to attend educational events or conferences at reduced prices. We also host regional activities in conjunction with our sister chapters, and have periodic social activities to promote networking and information exchange with others having like interests or issues in an informal environment. We also provide some career opportunities and the chance to meet and establish new business partners.
Apply online: Renew or join online to save postage and avoid delays in processing your application.
Download a print-ready application form: For general, corporate, government, student and trial members: ISSA-Membership-Application.pdf (116 Kb)
Reminder: Specify National Capital (Washington, DC) Chapter
Complete Membership Criteria
Not sure what kind of membership to apply for? Read more about membership types.